Mayday Mayday
I need to find a way
I’m at the point
of no return
I wanna get away
And when I’m back
If I am ever back
I’ll start off
A new journey
And take another step
I’m setting off to Saturn
Or maybe to the Sun
And when it shines
I’ll seize the day
I need to find a way
I wanna get away
I can’t go on
Till everything is gone
I need your help
So take my hand
We haven’t got till dawn
Because you’re the ticket
for my journey
and the trust for my return
This way you’ll be a part of me
And I’ll be a part of you
I’m setting off to Saturn
Or maybe to the Sun
And when it shines
I’ll seize the day
Por: Ana Margarida Botelho da Silva e
José Carlos Barbosa, em fev. 2008; letra para canção para a banda PlAsma